Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homepress-releaseA Wholesome Journey: Astrodreamer Studio's 'A Bonnie Odyssey' Tells a

A Wholesome Journey: Astrodreamer Studio's 'A Bonnie Odyssey' Tells a

[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Game Developer and its partnership with notable game PR-related resourceGames Press]

DUNDEE, October. 18 — Astrodreamer Studio, the vibrant indie game developer, takes to the stage with the unveiling of their narrative trailer for "A Bonnie Odyssey" at EGX. The studio, inspired by their deep love for both sci-fi and the stunning landscapes of their Scottish homeland, is set to deliver a gaming experience close to home.

Watch the Trailer Here:

"A Bonnie Odyssey" is more than just a game; it's a heartfelt journey that mirrors the real-life experiences and passions of the Astrodreamer team. Drawing inspiration from their childhoods spent playing in the Scottish outdoors, this game is a tribute to the beauty of the natural world and the boundless wonders of science fiction.

The heart of the game beats in its deeply moving narrative. Players will step into the shoes of a daughter returning to her long-abandoned childhood home, embarking on a quest to uncover the mystery surrounding her father's fate. It's a story that will resonate with players on a personal level, as it delves into themes of family, nostalgia, and the unearthing of long-buried secrets.

Adding a personal touch, the game is sprinkled with the essence of the Astrodreamer team. They've lovingly woven their own quirks and humour into the fabric of the game, making it a truly authentic and relatable experience. You might even spot the studio dog, Bella, making a charming cameo in one of the main character designs.

The journey to bring "A Bonnie Odyssey" to life has not been without its challenges. Astrodreamer Studio weathered the tumultuous start of their journey, having been founded during the trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, their perseverance, dedication, and a commitment to quality have earned them a well-deserved reputation for excellence and reliability within the gaming industry. They've navigated the rough seas of the UK games industry and emerged as a resilient and thriving studio. Blair Watson, Astrodreamer's Producer, reflects on the studio's journey, saying, "Astrodreamer was founded during a difficult time in 2021. Going from there to where we are now has been a mad adventure, but we're all really proud of how far we've come."

Astrodreamer Studio's ethos is one of wholesomeness and hope. They create the kinds of games they want to play and bring that vibrant, friendly approach to everything they do. The challenges of the industry have only made their resolve stronger, and they've learned to persevere and emerge stronger, even during difficult times.

To add to the excitement, the "A Bonnie Odyssey" demo is set to be released soon, giving gamers a taste of the adventure that awaits. The team will also be showcasing the game at Scottish Games Week, offering players and fans a chance to dive even deeper into the enchanting world they've crafted.

For more information about the game and to add it to your Steam wishlist, visit [], and don't forget to follow Astrodreamer Studio on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for the latest updates.

About Astrodreamer Studio:

Established in 2021, during the UK lockdowns, Astrodreamer started as a small team of accomplished freelancers who came together to build the kind of games they loved to play. Since then the team have gone on to work with many other businesses and universities to help develop diverse games and applications.

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