Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomebusinessWorker co-op dev The Glory Society has shut down

Worker co-op dev The Glory Society has shut down

The Glory Society, the employee-directed studio formed byNight in the Woodsstaff, announced it’s “suspending operations”and canceling its debut title,Revenant Hill.

On X (formerly Twitter), the developer explained that two of its staff stepped away from the project due to “serious health issues. […] This is a loss of several hard to replace hats in an environment where all hats are needed.”

Founded in 2019 by Wren Farren, Bethany Hockenberry, and Scott Benson, Glory Society established itself as a co-op developer equally owned and directed by its employees.Revenant Hillwas revealed earlier in the year for an eventual plannedrelease on PlayStation and Steam.

As a worker cooperative, The Glory Society founders explained they”make decisions as a group. For us, this was the clear path to take for the well-being of the team, which is frankly more important than games. […]Sometimes things happen beyond your control that change the available options and you just have to roll with it together.”

The studio said it would consider sharing what it learned from the experience at a later date. “Glory was a project in and of itself,”it continued, “and it’s one we’re proud to have been part of. Thank you for caring about what we did.”


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